Frequently Asked Questions
What do I wear when I’m floating?
Nothing at all! The float room is completely private, and you can lock the door. The best way to experience your float is with no tight restrictive clothing or swimming costume on.
Will I definitely float?
Yes... you will definitely float! The water in the float pod has 500kg of Magnesium Sulphate (Epsom Salt) added to it, which makes it extremely dense. You will enjoy absolute weightlessness. There is no weight limit, if you are physically able to get into the float tank, then you can float.
What if I’m claustrophobic?
This is a concern for a lot of first-time users. Relax we have you covered we have options for you to work with, However, we suggest keeping an open mind and we think you’ll be surprised by this unique experience. The float pod is a lot bigger than you’d think... bigger than the interior of most vehicles in fact. It is shaped like a dome, so even when the lid is closed, it is very surprisingly spacious. But we are happy to work with you, to make you as comfortable as possible... so if your first experience of floating with the lid open, it’s absolutely fine.
How long does it take?
A standard float with us is 1 hour. For your appointment, we allow extra time for you to shower before and after you get into the pod. For the first few minutes, soft music will play through the underwater speakers and then that will turn off and you’ll be in silence for the rest of the session. Music will begin again to let you know that the session is almost finished. You’ll be surprised how quickly the hour passes when you give yourself the chance to fully relax!
Is it hygienic?
VERY! The float pod has a sophisticated filtration system. Between each user, the float solution is cycled through a 10-micron filter bag, and a UV light disinfection system for at least 15 mins to ensure the solution’s hygiene. As an extra precaution, we also use a small amount of food-grade Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2). And of course, the extremely high concentration of salt is antibacterial in itself.
Can I float if I’m pregnant?
Absolutely... in fact, floating provides a welcome feeling of weightlessness for many pregnant women, particularly in those last couple of uncomfortable months. But as with any change of routine... we do recommend you check with your midwife, doula or GP before booking your float.
Do I need to bring anything?
We provide you with makeup cleansing wipes, earplugs, towels, shampoo & conditioner, body wash as well as a hair dryer and straighteners we have body lotion, and facial moisturiser. We do not provide combs or brushes, so please bring those with you if you need them.
Anything else I should know?
The high concentration of salt can irritate your skin if you have just shaved or waxed, so we would recommend not shaving or waxing the day you float or it could get a bit stingy!
For anyone with dermatological conditions, such as eczema, we recommend contacting us before you book your appointment to discuss further.
We ask that you wait until you have washed your hair 4 or 5 times if you have recently had a colour treatment, as the dye can leach into the water and cause staining to the Pod. For the same reason, we don’t allow floating if you have recently applied fake tan.
And as we want you to enjoy the most relaxing experience possible, we advise avoiding caffeine too close to your float appointment, having a small bite to eat within an hour of your float so you don’t get distracted by your tummy grumbling... and of course using the restroom before you float so you don’t have any unwanted interruptions.
Other than that, you’ll be given further instructions once you arrive for your appointment. But do feel free to send us a message if you have any concerns.